Thanks for stopping by my little place on the web. This is where I share my projects, challenges, adventures, thoughts and of course my favourite books.
Feel free to contact me anytime, I really enjoy talking to new people!
Challenges, projects and opportunities that push your boundaries, broaden your knowledge base and encourage you to try new things are always important. Often I end up stuck in my comfort zone and stop learning new things, so in order to change that I set myself new challenges to complete.
These range from joining and participating in online communities, to helping someone out with an interesting new venture. I’m sharing my current projects here to keep myself accountable, and document what I learn during my journey.
In late 2017 I launched the How To Money podcast, a financial education podcast for young Australians. The HTM podcast and accompanying resources are aimed at opening the conversation up around money in the community.
Our mission at HTM is simple: to help young Australians understand money and help guide them on their financial journey. From budgets to shares, young Australians should know how to secure the best financial future for themselves.
After recently discovering the FIRE movement, I quickly dived in and have started learning everything I can about financial independence and planning for my financial future. The wealth of information you can find online now if outstanding, but having skills to navigate through the information is just as important.
In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic after my European adventure was cancelled, I decided to finally take the plunge and start my law journey. I’m quite interested in better understanding how our legal systems work, especially within the financial world.
This is a massive challenge for me, but I’m over a third of the way through now (studying part-time while working) and I’m really enjoying learning about so many new areas.
My Impossible List is based on a movement started by Joel Runyon over at Impossible HQ. Joel describes the list as a challenge. It’s not about settling for what’s possible in your life, but instead striving towards goals that you didn't think possible, and growing as you work towards and achieve them. This will be a lifelong working document that I add to, change, tick off and elaborate on as I pursue my journey.